
环境工程专业留学|2015年09月01日 11:34


  建筑学专业和土木工程专业可否互转的情况(仅以硕士为例):建筑学专业学生转土木工程专业需要有一些先修课的要求,比如UIUC有一个建筑学校和土木学院共同颁发的双学位——M. Arch and an M.S. in CEE,就需要学建筑的同学要先修一门矩阵代数和一门微分方程。其它土木工程需要的先行课以UC-Berkeley为例,要求如下:
  ·1.5 years college-level calculus(1.5年的大学水平的微积分)
  ·1 year college-level physical science (e.g. Physics 7A) (1.5年的大学水平的物理学)
  ·1 semester probability and statistics (1个学期的概率与统计)
  ·1 semester elementary linear algebra(1个学期基础线性代数)
  ·A GPA for the Junior/Senior years of at least 3.25(大三和大四的GPA是3.25)

  土木工程专业要想转专业读建筑学也是可行的,一般应有建筑史或艺术史之类的先修课,通常作品集是必不可少的。例如Cornell University有开设一个Master of Architecture(professional),针对的就是本专业为非建筑学的学生的,是一个为期三年半的项目,申请要求提交作品;托福要求100分,单项不低于25分;GRE及其它文书要求。它的作品集的要求为consist mainly of reproductions of 20 to 30 pieces of creative drawings, two-or-three dimensional work, and models。再以Yale为例,学校开设了单独的建筑学院,也有开设针对非建筑学背景的学生的M.Arch.项目,是一个为期三年的项目,申请该项目需要有如下先行课:

  ·Elementary calculus. (基础微积分)
  A studio course such as freehand drawing, sketching, painting, sculpture, or basic architectural design. (Ceramics, photography, graphics, or film will not satisfy this requirement.) 【一门工作室课程,例如徒手画、素描、绘画、雕塑或基本的建筑设计(制陶、摄影、制图或电影都不算满足该要求)】

  ·Two courses in the history of art and/or architecture. It is recommended that one course be a survey, the other a course in modern architecture.(两门艺术史和/或建筑史)

  ·A classical physics course is also recommended but not required.(建议一门经典物理学,但不是必须)
  针对该项目,需要提交作品,作品要求为:A digital portfolio (a single pdf document optimized not to exceed 64mb) will need to be uploaded to the online application. The portfolio will be viewed on computer screens, so resolution above 150 dpi is not necessary. Pages of the pdf portfolio should be uploaded as spreads.The portfolio should be a well-edited representation of the applicant’s creative work. Portfolios may not contain videos. Anything submitted that is not entirely the applicant’s own work must be clearly identified as such. For the M.Arch. I program(即针对非建筑专业的学生的项目), the portfolio should demonstrate the applicant’s drawing skills and three-dimensional aptitude. Work represented may include drawings, paintings, sculpture, sketches, furniture and architectural designs, or other materials.

  再以Harvard University为例,建筑学开设在艺术学院下,针对非建筑学背景的Master in Architecture的professional项目,要求修过的先行课有:1学期的微积分;1学期的物理(algebra-based, covering mechanics and thermodynamics);2学期的建筑史(together covering Renaissance through Modern periods at minimum),并且这几门课的成绩都要在B-以上。另外,如果有考过AP Calculus或AP Physics且成绩在4或5分,并且本科的成绩单上认可了这个成绩,那么也可以当作先行课。有一些课程是深受学校欢迎的,比如视觉艺术(包括作画、雕塑、制图);有一些领域的课程不是必须的但是是建议的,比如在文科、哲学、文学和经济学领域。针对非建筑学背景的学生,哈佛艺术学院提供了一个Digital Media Skills Workshop帮助学生打基础。


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