
环境工程专业留学|2015年08月27日 13:30
斯坦福大学环境工程专业分为Environmental Engineering and Science (EES)和MS Environmental Fluid Mechanics & Hydrology (EFMH)两个项目
  2015年USNEWS 环境工程专排第二

  斯坦福大学环境工程专业分为Environmental Engineering and Science (EES)和MS Environmental Fluid Mechanics & Hydrology (EFMH)两个项目,我们分别来看看这两个专业的介绍。

  项目名称:Environmental Engineering and Science (EES)

  学位设置:MS, Engineer 和 PhD

  该项目开设在工程学院下的土木与环境工程系里。该项目侧重于化学或生物处理方式来解决环境问题。其中就包括水质量工程(water quality engineering)水和空气污染(water and air pollution)、 治理和有害物质控制(remediation and hazardous substance control)、人类所接触的污染物(human exposure to pollutants)、环境生物科技(environmental biotechnology)以及环境保护(environmental protection)。该项目长期与校内、校外甚至全球各研究组织合作,提供给学生深入的学习与研究机会。


  1.movement and fate of organic and inorganic compounds in ground water and surface waters
  2.physical, chemical and biological processes and mechanisms responsible for the release, transport, transformation and retention of contaminants
  3.contaminant control processes (especially the removal of trace contaminants)
  4.development of alternative energy sources
  5.fundamental principles of physical, chemical and biological treatment technologies for water, wastewater and solid wastes

  MS 项目学制是3 quarters,45 units

  Envir Engrg Seminar, 1 unit
  Movement & Fate of Organic Contaminants in Waters, 3 units
  Envir Organic Reaction Chemistry, 3 units
  Physical & Chemical Processes, 3 units
  Environmental Biotechnology, 4 units
  Transport Phenomena, 3 units
  Aquatic Chemistry, 3 units
  Environmental Microbiology, 3 units
  Air Pollution Fundamentals, 3-4 units

  ★专业背景:all areas of engineering and science
  Chemical Principles
  Structure & Reactivity (Intro. Organic Chem)
  Calculus (1 year)
  Mechanics of Fluids
  Statistics & Probability
  Aquatic Chemistry & Biology, OR
  Gen. Biochemistry & Molecular Biol.

  ★GPA:2008-2009 录取者平均GPA 3.6;
  ★TOEFL: 至少89分;2008-2009学年 2/3的录取者平均分为105分;不接受雅思
  ★GRE: 2008-2009学年 2/3的录取者,语文部分550(156),数学750(159),写作4.5

  项目名称:MS Environmental Fluid Mechanics & Hydrology (EFMH)
  该项目主要研究地表和地下水的运动,同时也和EES项目一起研究大气相关问题。EFMH 项目将提供学生参与博士级别的研究,研究方向主要是环境政策设计与执行(具体为Environmental policy implementation、Transfer of environmentally friendly technologies、The role of environmental non-governmental organizations in environmental protection三个方向),以及与水、空气和土壤相关的研究。

  学制:three quarters (nine months);45 units(至少24 units是工程学院的课程)。

  Undergraduate fluid mechanics (CEE101B)
  Watersheds and wetlands (CEE166A)
  Statistics and probability (at the level of CEE203, STATS110, or STATS116)
  Calculus, including Math41, Math42, Math51
  Engineering economy (at the level of CEE146A)
  Programming methodology (at the level of CS106A)


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